Repent, ye sinners: Climate change will cause spike in … golfing?

Repent, ye sinners: Climate change will cause spike in … golfing?

Tomorrow, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will publish its latest study on the consequences of the rise (or is that fall?) in global temperatures.

No less an authority on climate than Rowan Williams is spouting doomsday scenarios, writing ominously in the Telegraph (UK):

The storms that have battered parts of the UK this year and left hundreds of people facing the misery of flooded homes and ruined land have again brought questions about the impact of climate change to the forefront of the public consciousness. And this week the whole question has been put into still sharper focus, as the world’s leading climate scientists publish a report on the subject putting our local problems into a deeply disturbing global context.

Williams knows all about catastrophes of biblical proportions. He was up until recently the Archbishop of Canterbury (which, if you’re keeping score, means that liberals can’t trust a word he says).

So how bad is the damage going to be? Pretty bad, says those who have a glimpsed a leaked final draft of the IPCC report. The coming apocalypse will manifest itself by rises in temperature of as much as 4.5 degrees F by the end of the century. Even worse, there will be a surge in … golfing and recreational boating:


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