While speaking on the floor of the Senate Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., falsely claimed he never called Obamacare horror stories lies, Townhall reported.
“Mr. President, the junior senator from Wyoming has come to the floor several times recently talking about the fact that examples that he and other Republicans have given dealing with Obamacare — examples that they think are bad — I’ve called lies,” he said. “Mr. President, that is simply untrue. I have never come to the floor to my recollection and never said a word about any of the examples that Republicans have given regarding Obamacare and how it’s not very good.”
But just last month, Reid called those stories lies in a speech excoriating the Koch brothers.
“We heard about the evils of Obamacare, about the lives it’s ruining in Republicans’ stump speeches and in ads paid for by oil magnates, the Koch brothers. But in those tales, turned out to be just that: tales, stories made up from whole cloth, lies distorted by the Republicans to grab headlines or make political advertisements,” he said (Emphasis added).
“Not a tiny handful. Not even an imagined majority. No, every last person who says they’ve been harmed by Obamacare is lying, according to the Majority Leader of the United States Senate,” Guy Benson wrote at Townhall in late February.
One conservative called Reid a “pathological liar” in a tweet posted by Townhall.
“Or suffering from amnesia,” Daniel Doherty added. “Either way, his assurances that he never called every Obamacare horror story ‘untrue’ is demonstrably false.”
A post at the Independent Journal Review said Reid looks like a fool and excoriated Democrats for making the Nevada Democrat the Senate Majority Leader for eight years.
Infowars, calling Reid “as power hungry and corrupt as they come,” said his strategy of lying and denying is quite common.
It is possible Reid is trying to deflect attention from a scandal involving thousands of dollars of campaign funds he gave his granddaughter for “holiday gifts.”
A recent poll of 1,000 registered likely voters has also found that Reid is less popular than the Koch brothers, who have been called “un-American” by the top Democrat.
Video of Reid’s comments can be seen here.
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