Picture of the Day: Tread lightly or else (or else what?!)

If you can’t beat ’em, imitate ’em. Barack Obama’s dark money group, Organizing for Action, has devised a logo here in the eleventh hour of the Obamacare open enrollment period.

Designed to resemble the Gadsden Flag, the logo carries the alternate slogan “Don’t Tread On My Obamacare” and replaces the coiled snake with a far less ominous coiled stethoscope:


If the image seems familiar, it’s because you’ve probably seen it displayed often in the last several years. It is the symbol of the Tea Party:


The irony, lest it be lost on anyone, is that the left has been reporting (and yearning for) the death of the Tea Party movement for years. Yet, the group, united by the spirit of patriotism, has remained alive and flourished.

But Obamacare is genuinely in trouble and may yet fail for one or more of several reasons. If it does, think how dour a reminder of defeat the OFA logo will become — a source of enduring mockery to the man who forced this pernicious law down the throats of the American people.

The Washington Post’s Aaron Blake writes that the logo, in the form of a sticker, may be had free by anyone who connects with the Facebook page run by OFA. You are urged to get yours while supplied last.

LU Staff

LU Staff

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