Like certain demographics in this country, some religions now seem to be classified as “protected classes.” If you need help figuring which religions receive special designation and which don’t, some recent news stories might shed light on the question:
—In February, renowned Jewish scholar Phyllis Chesler, 72, was detained at JFK airport in New York while a woman in front of her clad in a niqab, or an Islamic head covering that hides a woman’s entire face except for the eyes, was waved through security.
—Despite the fact that Muslims comprise far less than 1% of the population of New York City, far-left Mayor Bill de Blasio announced his plan to close city schools in observance of Muslim religious holidays.
—In January, documents obtained by the Investigative Project on Terrorism revealed that the Obama administration gave VIP treatment to members of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood — a group designated in Egypt as a terrorist organization — and exempted them from security screening at JFK Airport.
—During the same month, the president called on the nation of Myanmar to protect its Muslim population, while ignoring the slaughter of Christians.
—A public school in Boston, in the hopes of promoting “cross-cultural understanding,” arranged the recitation over the public address system of a poem detailing the hardship of being a Muslim in America. The occasion? The 12th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on 9/11.
—A 10-year-old in Memphis, given the assignment of writing about her “idol,” is told that her chosen subject, God, is disallowed.
A report on the latest assault on an unprotected religion comes out Sandpoint, Idaho, where — station KTVB states:
City officials in are looking at possibly relocating a monument at a city park that displays the Ten Commandments.
In early March, the city announced that city council will discuss moving the monument to a different location other than Farmin Park.
In 2013, a religious freedom group from Wisconsin sent a letter to the mayor of Sandpoint asking that the monument be removed because it lies on public property. The group’s co-president says that several people in Sandpoint contacted them expressing concern over the monument.
The city said they want to avoid any potential lawsuits.
The monument was erected at an earlier, saner time and was a gift from the local Fraternal Order of the Eagles chapter. Now, because of a misreading of a Constitutional amendment, an group of outsiders is applying pressure on the town’s mayor to dump it. How people in Wisconsin can view, much less feel inconvenienced, by a tribute to the ancient code on which our legal system is founded remains to be seen.
“Why are people from not around here, don’t live here, come here and say they want something removed that the FOE put down in here 40 years ago. I mean, it’s ridiculous,” said one protester at a gathering in front of the monument on Thursday.
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