On Sunday, the New York Times poked fun at the weather with a comic strip that offered suggestions for dealing with what it called the “2014 Icicle Surplus.” But one panel in the strip sparked outrage by suggesting icicles be used to kill so-called “global warming deniers.”
The panel shows a man arguing against global warming while a woman stabs him in the chest with an icicle.
The cartoon strip suggests icicles can be used as “Self-destructing sabers for dispatching climate-change deniers.”
The New York Times’ Andrew Revkin compared the cartoon to what he called the “pretty edgy” 2010 climate-campaign video that showed a teacher blowing up students who didn’t agree with the idea of reducing their carbon footprints.
“Both are great attention getters, and were utterly stupid if the goal was do accomplish anything other than inflaming and dividing people on an important issue. And that would be a reprehensible goal,” he said, calling Sunday’s cartoon the “antithesis of humor.”
PJ Medias’ Ed Drisoll noted that Al Gore called his 2008 book on global warming “The Assault on Reason,” and said the Times is apparently “taking his advice all too literally.”
Anthony Watts of wattsupwiththat.com correctly observed that if a skeptic has suggested that Al Gore, James Hansen or Michael Mann be assassinated, environmentalists would be infuriated.
“Yet,” Thomas Lifson said at the American Thinker, “the Times suggests killing all skeptics.”
This type of rhetoric from supporters of man-made global warming is not new.
In October 2010, for example, we reported on a movement that called for the voluntary elimination of the human race. Environmentalists have also put humanity on trial in a mock court case. Obama science and technology advisor Mario Molina represented planet Earth against humanity.
Environmentalists have also called for an end to industrialized civilization while the United Nations climate chief suggested Communism is the best mechanism for dealing with so-called global warming.
A post at the conservative Gateway Pundit observed that the Times is “the same rag that blamed conservatives for the Oslo massacre… but stabbing climate change deniers is appropriate.”
Lifson went further, calling the cartoon “more evidence that this is a dangerous, anti-scientific, anti-democratic, and inhuman cult.”
- U.N. climate chief: Communism best method of dealing with global warming
- Environmental groups embrace death in ad campaigns
- Environmentalists call for end of industrialized civilization
- Environmentalists to put humanity on trial
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