And there’s more … much more. From MailOnline:
A headteacher who expelled a six-year-old boy after he brought in Mini Cheddars for his packed lunch fed pupils food from McDonald’s, it was revealed today.
Jeremy Meek ordered the notorious junk food for youngsters at Colnbrook Church of England Primary School in Berkshire, just weeks before kicking out a pupil in a row over healthy eating.
Pupil Riley Pearson was expelled earlier this month following the fall-out over his lunchbox. His four-year-old brother Jayden also had his place at the pre-school withdrawn by the headteacher.
But it has now emerged that the school bought around 100 children McDonald’s meals for lunch after a break-in at the school at the end of the Christmas term had left the canteen out of action.
The child’s father Tom Pearson is quoted as saying, “It is just so hypocritical.” But the school insists that was then and this is now. “This was before the introduction of our healthy eating policy in January,” Meek contends. And how does he counter the argument of the boy’s parents that their son is healthy weight for his age? “Er … look,” says Meek. “A squirrel!”
The “healthy eating policy,” which was introduced at the beginning of the term, disallowed students from bringing “chocolate, sweets, crisps and fizzy drinks” onto school grounds. A letter to that effect was sent home to parents, further admonishing:
It [sic] your child’s lunchbox is unhealthy and unbalance [sic] they [sic] will be provided with a school lunch for which you will be charged.
The school maintains that Riley Pearson is a repeat offender, noting in a statement to the Mail:
We have not excluded a pupil for just having mini cheddars in their lunchbox, but where there is a persistent and deliberate breach of school policy, such as bringing in crisps, biscuits, sausage rolls, mini sausages, scotch eggs and similar, and all other avenues have been exhausted, the Governors would expect further action to be taken.
If we are faced with a situation where a parent threatens to send a pupil into school with insufficient food to sustain them [sic] throughout the school day, it is a risk we simply cannot afford to happen.
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