Rep. Alvin Holmes bashed Clarence Thomas’ “white wife” this week and referred to the Supreme Court Justice as an “uncle Tom,” as reported at Twitchy.
This is nothing new, as Rep. Holmes referred to Clarence Thomas an an “uncle Tom” back in 1991, as reported at The Tuscaloosa News at the time in a revealing article.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife Virginia (Ginni) have been the target of progressive “tolerance” for quite some time. Ginni Thomas, who is a politically active conservative, has been on the receiving end of some particularly vile comments.
As usual, party trumps race.
This author would like to know how progressives would respond if a GOP representative bashed New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio’s black wife?
But a truly sickening display was a panel on CNN dissecting and condemning Clarence Thomas’ childhood memories as reported by Noah Rothman of Mediaite, when Justice Thomas dared to say that race “‘rarely’ came up while he was a child in Georgia in the 1960s.”
Watch the report here.
“He’s got every case wrong since he’s been on the bench.” – said Former Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner, who called for Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from the Obamacare Supreme Court case – along with 73 other Democrats – because Ginni Thomas spoke out against Obamacare (As an aside, nobody seems to think it is a conflict of interest that Secretary of State John Kerry’s wife donates millions through her charity to anti-Semitic Oxfam) and harassed the Supreme Court Justice about releasing financial statements.