Economizing to make ends meet is one thing, but a Florida family who lost their home and business in 2008 has gone a little overboard. Resolving never to rely on credit again, the Berzins — Hari and Karl — bought a plot of land in Virginia in 2011 and built a house there for their themselves, their two children, and large dog.
The size of the house? A minuscule 168 square feet. That’s the size of a standard 14-by-12-foot living room, which is another way of saying there’s not much living room.
The cozy group seems happy enough. They maintain their own blog, titled, fittingly,
The MailOnline reports:
It cost the couple $12,000 to make their tiny house, which was built on a flatbed trailer using materials found on Craigslist and from other sources.
The three-acre plot of land it is built on cost the couple $25,000, according to House Logic.
The mister did most of the construction himself.