Talk about class with a capital K! James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, which was instrumental in exposing ACORN for the corrupt outfit it was, has a new video out that should help Texas voters make up their mind about which of the two major-party candidates to vote for as the state’s next governor. In this corner, you have Wendy Davis, who embellished and continues to embellish her up-from-the-gutter narrative.
In the other corner, you have Greg Abbott, who is paralyzed from the waist down as a result of an accident years ago. It is bad enough that Davis goofed in her statement following the revelation that she had lied about her past, infelicitously suggesting that anyone who doubted her sincerity “hasn’t walked a day in my shoes.”
Now, it comes out that her campaign stuff finds Abbott’s confinement to a wheelchair worthy of mocking and somehow elevating to a campaign theme.