It’s beginning to seem like you can’t trust anybody any more. Take the “Wall Street Journal,” as straight-shooting and fair-minded a news source as you’re likely to find in this day and age. Yet the title of this piece is borrowed verbatim from the online version of the WSJ, as is the video that follows.
Yet, if you plan to watch this year’s big game on TV, or if you have the bucks to attend it in person (seats in the nosebleed section start at $4,000), don’t expect to be entertained by the Naked Cowgirl, who in any case is clothed, if scantily so. As the video reveals, the street performer, who ordinarily struts her stuff in Times Square, will be in New Jersey on Sunday, but not in East Rutherford, where MetLife Stadium is located. She’ll be Secaucus.
Caveat emptor.
P.S.: I wonder how the WSJ made out on TIME’s political quiz.