When nothing else works, throw out the race card. That seems to be the standard operating procedure of the left for the last five years.
Moments after Melissa Harris-Perry issued a tearful apology for a racist segment in which panelists mocked Mitt Romney’s adopted black grandchild, Katrina Vanden Heuvel, editor and publisher of the liberal magazine The Nation, smeared the Tea Party and “conservative populism” as being racist, Twitchy reported Saturday.
“But I do think the right-wing populism of the Tea Party not only became so obsessed with an anti-government meme, but let’s be honest,” she said. “There is a race … racism threaded through the right-wing populism, I mean which is not unusual to American right-wing populism, that has not allowed for coalitions that could be built on behalf of working people in this country against the most powerful interests.”
Translation: All conservatives are racist, and so is everything they believe.
Twitchy said Vanden Heuvel made the comment after acknowledging the Tea Party stands for lower taxes and smaller government, which she apparently thinks is somehow racist.
The statement is not surprising, since liberals these days see racism in practically everything, from peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to dry asparagus and stick figures.
According to liberals, anyone who disagrees with anything Barack Obama says is a racist and a traitor.
Hosts at MSNBC have told us the words “Chicago,” “golf,” and “crime” are racist. They have also claimed calling Juan Williams by his first name is racist. Williams once opined that “Constitution” and “founding fathers” is racial code.
The real reason liberals like Vanden Heuvel smear conservatives as racists, as we noted here, is two-fold. It’s easy and it requires no thought whatsoever.
New York Post editorial writer Robert George later suggested racism played a role in both left and right-wing populism, but Vanden Heuvel would have no part of it.
“Not today though,” she said. “Not today.”
Mitt Romney, Twitchy added, graciously accepted Harris-Perry’s apology while appearing on Fox News Sunday.
As we reported in December, Vanden Heuvel’s publication also sold Che Guevara finger dolls and puppets.
- Liberal Nation magazine sells Che Guevara finger puppets, dolls
- Portland school sees racism in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
- Dry asparagus prompts allegations of racism against Missouri grocery store
- Oprah Winfrey: Obama’s critics motivated by racism, death is the answer
- Education consultant says white paper may cause racism in young children
- UK school demands mother declare 7-year-old son racist
- Slate: Racism may explain preference for white turkey meat
- By their actions, liberals prove they are the real racists
- The real reason liberals smear conservatives as racists