One of the few ways a low ranking military family could attend…
In moves that may not be 100 percent altruistic or patriotic, two major retailers have snapped up at least 1,200 tickets for upcoming NLF playoff games, as reported by the Chicago Tribune on Jan. 3, 2013.
The hometown fans in both Indianapolis as well as Cincinnati were at risk of seeing, or rather not seeing, the local teams on television unless the games were sold out. That’s where Meijer Inc. of Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the Kroger Company headquartered out of Cincinnati, Ohio come into the picture.
Subject to the NFL mandated TV blackout rules in the case of unsold seats, Meijer purchased a reported 1,200 tickets for the upcoming I-Town Colts taking on the Kansas City Chiefs.
In the meanwhile, Kroger snagged a “large quantity of tickets in an effort to assist in reaching a sellout” when their Bengals meet the visiting San Diego Chargers this Sunday.
Both grocery store chains have announced that all the last minute tickets they’ve purchased will be donated to local military families.
While Military Families Are On Food Stamps…
Donated tickets are the only way most low to medium ranking enlisted families could ever make it to an NFL game.
According to the discount ticket site StubHub.com, tickets for the worst seats in the house at the Bengals vs. Chargers game begin at $62.50 each, while 50 yard line tickets on the field level were going for $228.30.
Saturday’s contest for the Colts and Chiefs start out at $82.10 a pop; premium tix were topping out at a whopping $386.99 per.