California’s Santa Clara County don’t have to follow no stinking Constitution. Not when a county employee “disrespects” the president or speaks ill of his sainted health care law.
Norina Mooney, a veteran of 20 years, learned this the hard way when a coworker overheard her critique of the Affordable Care Act and took offense. The employee took the matter of her hurt feelings up with a supervisor, who subsequently called Mooney into her office and on to the carpet for daring to find fault with Obamacare.
Mooney was warned that if she wanted to engage in such impolitic speech in the future, she should take it outside — literally. As long she was inside a government building, the supervisor said, she would have to avoid bad-mouthing the nation’s fearless leader and all laws bearing his name.
According to the Daily Caller, Mooney has lawyered up:
According to Mooney’s attorneys with the Pacific Justice Institute, she made some water-cooler talk with a fellow employee about the high number people who have had their insurance policies canceled under Obamacare.
The attorneys further noted the strangeness of this edict considering that the office environment is replete with pro-Obama paraphernalia. Mooney also claims that her coworkers openly wore Obama campaign attire to work at election time.
Pacific Justice Institute President Brad Dacus pointed out the obvious concerns over the way Mooney was treated.
Just when we thought the disastrous ObamaCare rollout couldn’t get much worse, the county of Santa Clara is compounding those problems by claiming that criticism is off-limits. Liberals and conservatives alike should be able to agree that this type of censorship is chilling and unconstitutional.
Mooney’s attorneys have sent a letter to Santa Clara County officials seeking their affirmation that public employees have the right to comment freely on matters of public concern. There has been no response to date, and the attorneys are now contemplating legal action against the county for abridging Mooney’s First Amendment protections.