MSNBC, CNN continue to be crushed by Fox News

MSNBC, CNN continue to be crushed by Fox News

znetworks-e1359580779601In what the Obama Administration might describe as a glitch, both MSNBC and CNN haven’t just slipped in the ratings against their common competitor, Fox News. Both cable news networks, rather, are being crushed, as reported by on Nov. 29, 2013.

With the November ratings out, MSNBC has found that they’ve lost 45% of their audience as compared to this same month last year.

As if a 45% drop isn’t bad enough, the Lean Forward network has seen insult added to injury as their prime time viewership dropped by a full 50%.

In the wake of MSNBC’s star anchor Martin Bashir recently referring to former Alaska governor Sarah Palin as “America’s resident dunce,” “a world class idiot,” and speaking of her “long deceased mind,” there has been conjecture that the verbal attack on Palin was a contributing factor to the MSNBC nosedive.

Besides Bashir attempting to pass his personal attack on the former Vice Presidential candidate as news, the Pakistani-British television personality went as far as recommending that Palin should be subjected to another human being defecating and urinating in her mouth. 

Chicken Noodle News…

The upside for MSNBC is that at least they aren’t CNN. Hitting rock bottom, CNN decided to start digging. Spin doctors for the network managed to announce to the world that they won’t be leaving the business of reporting the news, but will be delving into the world of developing “more compelling programming.”

The Cable News Network will now be in the business of documentaries based on “social issues,” airing chef Anthony Bourdain’s “travel and lifestyle show,” and then their’s reality TV.

Possibly illustrating why they’re the best in the business, CNN’s spin doctors don’t call reality TV “reality TV,” it’s been re-designated “narrative nonfiction.”

But CNN does reassure the world that they will cut to breaking news as warranted.

By the Numbers…

The specifics for this month’s television ratings are as follows:


  • Prime Time (Mon-Sun): 481,000 Total Viewers / 153,000 Age 25-54
  • Total Day (Mon-Sun): 335,000 Total Viewers / 100,000 Age 25-54


  • Prime Time (Mon-Sun): 645,000 Total Viewers / 190,000 Age 25-54
  • Total Day (Mon-Sun): 401,000 Total Viewers / 124,000 Age 25-54

 Fox News:

  • Prime Time (Mon-Sun): 2,011,000 total viewers / 348,000 Age 25-54
  • Total Day Mon-Sun): 1,201,000 total viewers / 248,000 Age 25-54
T. Kevin Whiteman

T. Kevin Whiteman

T. Kevin Whiteman is a retired Master Sergeant of Marines. He has written for Examiner, Conservative Firing Line, and other blogs.


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