If you picked up the Washington Post, USA TODAY, the Wall Street Journal, the LA Times, or any local paper that carries the wire service stories from Reuters or AP today, you might have seen stories about health insurance “sticker shock” and dropped insurance policies under the Affordable Care Act. However, if you picked up the New York Times, you would have been greeted by a front page, above-the-fold story on “Millions Eligible for Free Policies Under Care Act.”
The article isn’t untrue. It’s just a curious choice for coverage when millions in the country are facing everything from unpleasantness to hardship due to the ACA. It makes one wonder what these same newshound editors would have selected for coverage when previous bad stories hit:
Titanic Sinks:
Newfoundland Fish Population Faces Food Bonanza!
Hindenburg Crashes:
Thousands Get Free Light and Heat from Burning Dirigible!
Great Depression Causes Record Unemployment:
Apple Orchards Find Millions of City Vendors
Nazis March Into Poland:
Gdansk Becomes Easier-to-Pronounce Danzig!
I’m open for more suggestions for alternative headlines of stories past. Gentlemen, start your engines!
Libby Sternberg is a novelist. Follow her on Twitter at@LibbysBooks