“So it’s true…” — Jay Carney, White House Press Secretary
One of the more repeated promises Barack Obama gave the American citizenry concerning the Affordable Care Act was that if any citizen liked his current plan, he could beep their current plan. But NBC News is reporting that not only the movers and shakers within his administration but Obama himself knew this not to be true.
As covered by Examiner.com last week, millions of American are finding unpleasant surprises in their mailbox in the form of cancellation letters on the health care plans that they chose to enroll in and keep. The reason is ObamaCare regulations on “grandfathering,” which are so stringent and unbending that as many as 16 million policy will not be allowed to keep their current policy when it comes time for renewal.
The vast majority will face skyrocketing costs in both the forms of monthly, premiums, yearly deductibles and service co-pays in order to stay within the parameters of the ObamaCare law.
What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It…?
With the cancellation notices seen by many in the media as an unintended consequence of “finding out what’s in the bill once it’s passed,” as Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) famously stated in 2009, NBC News is reporting that buried deep in the ACA/ObamaCare fine print minutiae is “an estimate that because of normal turnover in the individual insurance market, ’40 to 67 percent’ of customers will not be able to keep their policy.”
Of the approximately 11,588,500 words comprising the ObamaCare bill is the key wording that the “percentage of individual market policies losing grandfather status in a given year exceeds the 40 to 67 percent range.”
As NBC reporters Lisa Myers and Hannah Rappleye report:
That means the administration knew that more than 40 to 67 percent of those in the individual market would not be able to keep their plans, even if they liked them.
Also cited by NBC News is that White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, when asked for comment, as much admitted that Obama and his administration were complicit in deceiving the people:
So it’s true that there are existing healthcare plans on the individual market that don’t meet those minimum standards and therefore do not qualify for the Affordable Care Act.