Will the real opponents of racial bigotry take one step forward? Not so fast, Asner!
The Hollywood Reporter offers up an ironic tidbit for a Saturday. The item focuses on the peaceniks in Hollywood who were quite vocal in their opposition to the U.S. attack on Iraq in 2003.
The list reads like a who’s who and includes Ed Asner (whose liberal bona fides are clear from his support of Dennis Kucinich’s presidential run in 2004), Matt Damon, Tim Robbins, Barbra Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Janeane Garofalo, and Mike Farrell (of the TV series “M*A*S*H”).
So where are they now? Silent is where. But it’s not, HR writes, because they support military intervention against Bashar al-Assad for his putative use of chemical weapons against the people of Syria. All are adamantly opposed — just no so adamant that there willing to speak out this time.
And why does the cat have their tongue? It’s because, the 83-year-old Asner confessed, they don’t want to be seen as racists. “A lot of people [here] don’t want to feel anti-black by being opposed to Obama.” [Emphasis added]
That’s not the only reason the current and former celebs are citing for their double standard. Farrell, who is 74 (and who led a movement advocating the release from death row of “reformed” mass murderer Stanley “Tookie” Williams in 2005), claims that attacking Syria is “a potential war crime.” Asner maintains that protesting is non-productive — that Hollywood mobilized against the invasion of Iraq but that nothing positive came of it. “Is George Bush being tried in the high courts of justice?” he asks.
But back to that comment about being seen as a racist for opposing Obama: Apparently, some of these moonbats really believe their own idiocy. When they insist that conservative criticism of Obama has its roots in racial bigotry, it is because they subscribe to the notion that any criticism leveled against this president is borne of racism. It doesn’t rescue the accusation from sheer ignorance, but it does suggest that Obama’s Hollywood pals are willing to paint themselves with the same broad brush.
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