Uncle Sam’s $50B yard sale

Uncle Sam’s $50B yard sale

Truck in camo colorsIn need of a tank? How about a slightly used Jeep that has been decorated with some stylish bullet holes? The army’s giving it away, and everything must go. From the New York Post:

After 12 years of war in Afghanistan, officials are now pondering what to do with $50 billion in equipment half a world away — including combat vehicles, dining rooms, gyms, clothing and more.

‘A lot of this stuff, you’re not really concerned about bringing it back,’ said Jim Hasik, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. ‘I mean if a Coke machine falls into the hands of the Taliban, this is just not a big disaster.’

Eventually much of the equipment will be sold to the public at the Government Liquidation website, where new items will appear on sale daily — from rafts and trucks to fire engines and pretzel stands. (The army has pretzel stands?) Says the site:

Be part of one of the largest green initiatives in U.S. history. Over 2.0 billion pounds of scrap material and over 240 surplus items have been sold on this website.

But before the stuff ends up there, a gargantuan effort will be to bring the more valuable equipment home. By December 2014, the U.S. military will have transported some 35,000 vehicles and 95,000 containers back to the homeland at an estimated cost of $6 billion. It is the largest retrograde or pullout in history.

But that shouldn’t deter you in the meantime from browsing the wares at Government Liquidation. Among the current items up for bid is a beautifully restored (their description) 1950 Cessna model 195 airplane, 195VH, serial # 7549. The opening bid on the plane is $25. You have 32 days remaining to ante up.

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