LU's newest contributor is oldie but goodie: Welcome Mike Antonucci

LU's newest contributor is oldie but goodie: Welcome Mike Antonucci

Mike AntonucciReaders familiar with the genesis of Liberty Unyielding know that the blog was founded by former contributors to Hot Air’s Green Room. The newest addition to the LU team has the distinction of still writing for Hot Air. Say hello to former and current colleague Mike Antonucci.

As Mike’s introductory column at LU suggests, he covers the education beat, which he has been doing since 1993 as director of the Education Intelligence Agency. “Education Week” called him “the nation’s leading observer — and critic — of the two national teachers’ unions and their affiliates.”

His writings have appeared in “The Wall Street Journal,” “Forbes,” “Investor’s Business Daily,” “The American Enterprise,” and numerous other periodicals. He has performed hundreds of radio interviews and appeared on Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor.”

Mike’s background in research stems from his previous writings on military history. His article on the diplomacy of the Byzantine Empire is included in “Annual Editions: Western Civilization, Volume 1” by William Hughes, published by Dushkin/McGraw Hill. His article on codebreaking in the Civil War appeared as a cover story in “Civil War Times Illustrated” and “Spies and Secret Missions: A History of American Espionage.” He has had feature articles published in “Military History,” “The Foreign Service Journal,” “History Today,” “Command,” “Wild West.”

Mike collaborated with U.S. Rep. Richard Pombo and Joseph Farah on the critically acclaimed book “This Land Is Our Land: How to Win the War Against Private Property” and conducted research for Daniel Pipes for his book “The Hidden Hand: Middle East Fears of Conspiracy,” published by St. Martin’s Press in 1996.

Mike received the Carol Applegate Education Award in 2004 from the National Right to Work Committee.

We look forward to benefiting from Mike’s expertise. We hope you will, too.

LU Staff

LU Staff

Promoting and defending liberty, as defined by the nation’s founders, requires both facts and philosophical thought, transcending all elements of our culture, from partisan politics to social issues, the workings of government, and entertainment and off-duty interests. Liberty Unyielding is committed to bringing together voices that will fuel the flame of liberty, with a dialogue that is lively and informative.


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