Anthony Weiner’s campaign for New York City mayor released its first television commercial Monday. Politico notes that the spot doesn’t mention his sexting scandal but does make a nebulous reference to “powerful voices” that are trying quash his success.
In case you were worried this report would be free of sexual innuendo, Weiner emailed the video out to supporters early Monday, claiming he was giving them a “sneak peek” (which most will agree he did back when he was a Congressman).
The spot, which according to Politicker set his campaign back $500,000, focuses on Weiner’s plans for the city. “I’ve waged a campaign focused like a laser beam on fighting for the middle class and those struggling to make it,” he says into the camera, adding:
Powerful voices have made it clear from the very beginning that they didn’t want me to win. But this isn’t about what they want. They’ve gotten their way for far too long.
Is he referring to the morality police? To his sexual urges? He never says, leaving up to the viewer to make his own assumptions.
Meanwhile, a new survey from the Siena Research Institute shows that only 11% of New Yorkers hold a favorable view of Weiner, compared with 80% who view him negatively.