Reason boy savagely beaten: He said no to drugs

Reason boy savagely beaten: He said no to drugs

schoolbusbeati_11263959_8col“It is just disgusting. There is no humanity left…”

America and much of the civilized world are still simultaneously shocked and puzzled as to the severity and the motive for the savage beating inflicted on a single child by a gang of older boys on a Florida school bus.

It is slowly coming to light that the victim didn’t want to buy drugs, which through a series of events that remain unrevealed to the public, led to the vicious attack that one commentator believes could have resulted in the boy’s death.

According to reports, the still unidentified 13-year-old victim says he earlier reported to a generic “school official” that an equally generic “someone” had tried to sell him illegal drugs. Law enforcement and school authorities have yet to inform the public whether any or all of the three attackers were the ones who attempted to sell the victim drugs, or if the three were ordered or hired to attack the younger boy.

What also remains a mystery is how anyone, especially a drug dealer, could find out what the victim told an allegedly trusted school official presumably in the strictest of confidence.

The three attackers, Lloyd Khemradj, Julian McKnight, and Joshua Reddin, all 15, have all been arrested and charged with felony aggravated battery. Despite the victim’s being white and his attackers black, the Clarion-Ledger of Jackson, Miss., is reporting that Florida authorities have already stated that the attack won’t be classified as a “hate crime.”

Fox News contributor and former Los Angeles prosecutor Kimberly Guilfoyle stated on a live broadcast that the school bus driver’s decision not to physically intervene resulted in the victim’s suffering two black eyes and a broken arm.

For his part, the driver, John Moody, said he was “petrified” and shocked by the beating. He retired two weeks after the attack, after 18 years driving buses, citing the fight as “the final straw.”

T. Kevin Whiteman

T. Kevin Whiteman

T. Kevin Whiteman is a retired Master Sergeant of Marines. He has written for Examiner, Conservative Firing Line, and other blogs.


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