Questions Jay Leno should have asked Obama

Questions Jay Leno should have asked Obama

Obama reading tweeted messagesDespite a study at George Mason University that found that Barack Obama is no longer considered “too cool” to be off-limits as the butt of jokes told by late-night talk show hosts, the president can still expect softball questions from Jay Leno, David Letterman, et. al. That is why Obama — the first man to sully the office of president by appearing on late-night TV while in office — agreed to appear again Tuesday night on the “Tonight Show.”

Map CoastlineWhile the smartest man ever to sit behind the big desk in the Oval Office gave his detractors new ammunition, saying that “we need to deepen our ports on the Gulf — Savannah, Jacksonville, and Charleston” (all three cities are on the Atlantic coast) — he still got off easy. Leno avoided asking him the sorts of questions that Twitter followers are asking this morning, under the top-trending hashtag #lenoaskobama.

Here are just a few (a fair number of them posed by @jjauthor):

If you didn’t go to high school often 4 the last two years, drank beer & took hard drugs – how did you get into Ivy colleges?

If we didn’t know how long the #Benghazi attack would last, how did you know time was too short to send help?

[Ask Obama] when he is going to keep his oath of Office, sign a budget.

How do you sleep at night taking lavish vacations while cutting hot food for the troops?

Do u feel guilty that ur daughters attend 1 of the top schools in country, while u cut voucher program 4 poor DC black kids?

So, if current immigrations laws are mocked & disregarded, what makes us think new ones will be respected?

Is it true there hasn’t been 1 day during your presidency when as many Americans were working as on the day Bush left office?

Why wouldn’t you “jump to conclusions” about Nidal Hasan, but you could about Trayvon Martin?

When you bow to foreign leaders, do you ever see Ambassador Stevens’ face as the blood rushes to your head?

Light or Dark dog meat?

Did you actually go to bed WHILE the attack in #Benghazi was happening?

Is there such a thing as media bias if you exclude @FoxNews?

If your daughter, God forbid, was under assault, you’d prefer if she had a rape whistle over a gun?

So… Law abiding citizens vs. Mexican cartels…Who poses a bigger threat with United States weapons?

Y did it take so long, even with proof, to acknowledge that your blurred red lines had been crossed?

Did you have a good birthday celebration while your nat’l sec team met to discuss the massive terror plot unfolding?

Here is one last question that was not on Twitter but that inquiring minds will want to know the answer to: Mr. President, do you still ‘People’ magazine as ‘important’ as the White House press corps as an information source for the U.S. public?

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Howard Portnoy

Howard Portnoy

Howard Portnoy has written for The Blaze, HotAir, NewsBusters, Weasel Zippers, Conservative Firing Line, RedCounty, and New York’s Daily News. He has one published novel, Hot Rain, (G. P. Putnam’s Sons), and has been a guest on Radio Vice Online with Jim Vicevich, The Alana Burke Show, Smart Life with Dr. Gina, and The George Espenlaub Show.


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