Trayvon's Skittles, Arizona Iced Tea and something called 'Purple Drank'

Trayvon's Skittles, Arizona Iced Tea and something called 'Purple Drank'

leanmix_1“unow a connect for codien?”

Media speculation as well as internet buzz are openly querying if Trayvon Martin’s purchase of Skittles and Arizona Watermelon Fruit Cocktail Juice on the night he died were just to satisfy a young man’s sweet tooth or were they two of the three ingredients in a dangerous codeine-based concoction, as reported by the pop culture news portal

Martin has been portrayed by his supporters as an innocent youth armed with nothing more than a bag of Skittles candy and a can of Arizona Iced Tea on the night he was killed by neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman.

During the course of the trial, state prosecutor John Guy made it official when he identified to the jury Martin’s personal possessions found on his body by police, to include an “unopened bag of Skittles” as well as a “full can of watermelon-flavored drink,” as reported by Central Florida News 13 on June 25, 2013.

Without citing reference sources, accuses Martin of admitting on his Facebook account as early as June 27, 2011 of being an abuser of a codeine, soft drink and candy beverage popularly known as “Purple Drank” or “Lean.”

According to the hipster website, Martin asked a friend online, “unow a connect for codien?”

Martin went on to tell his friend that “robitussin nd soda” could make “some fire ass lean.” He says, “I had it before” and that he wants “to make some more.”

The statements are credibility-weak without any source documentation cited, but that’s exactly what the openly right-of-center weblog/news portal The Conservative Tree House has posted on their site via screen captures of the actual Facebook pages.

Accorgding to Urban Dictionary, Purple Drank/Lean also goes by the street names of sizzurp, Texas Tea, and liquid codeine. Described as “a mixture of Promethazine/Codeine cough syrup” and any given store-bought clear soft drink or juice, the substance is commonly used by southern rappers and “wannabe suburban teenagers.” To further enhance the sweet taste that appeals to the mostly youthful users, “a few jolly ranchers and/or skittles thrown in.”

T. Kevin Whiteman

T. Kevin Whiteman

T. Kevin Whiteman is a retired Master Sergeant of Marines. He has written for Examiner, Conservative Firing Line, and other blogs.


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