The florist brings the wrong flowers. The band fails to show up. The food is cold or not what you ordered. Service is erratic. These are but a few of the complaints traditionally voiced about weddings.
But a new grievance seems to be emerging. Call it Brazen Bride Syndrome. So far there are only two known cases, but a trend may be emerging that signals a new era of candor. Or incivility.
Enter the stinging rebuke for gifts that, in the bride’s estimate, don’t quite cut it. The Blaze (via the Huffington Post) has the latest story, as related by the guest:
Last weekend I attended a wedding of a not-close friend with my boyfriend and as a gift we gave $100 cash. This was generous considering my financial situation. I just finished university with $40,000 in student loans, and have only found part time (12-18 hrs per week) minimum wage work. I gave as much as I could and attended to show my support.
The guest received a written response from the bride. But instead of the customary “thank you” note, the bride sent what might be more appropriately termed a “blank you” note. Here it is, all grammatical and stylistic infelicities intact:
Hi Tanya, how are you? I just want to know is there any reason or dissatisfaction of Mike’s and I wedding that both you and Phil gave 50$ each? In terms of the amount we got from you both was very unexpected as a result we were very much short on paying off the reception because just for the cocktail + reception alone the plate per person is 200$ (as per a normal wedding range with open bar is about) and Mike and I both have already paid for everything else including decor, photography, attire etc and didn’t expect we had to cover that huge amount for reception as well. As I know you both live together and work, so I did not see any reason for that amount, when it comes to your wedding hopefully you’ll know what I mean. I hope for the best as from what we receive is what we will give back. Anyways, good luck on everything.
A similar exchange occurred in late June. This time the gift was a wicker basket filled with an assortment of fanciful foods. Appended to it was a card reading, “Life is delicious… Enjoy.” The bride used a little more tact this time, claiming that she was glucose-intolerant and asking for a receipt. When none was forthcoming, a second note followed, informing the giver that “people give envelopes [containing cash].” The note went on to state, “I’m not sure if it’s the first wedding you have been to, but for your next wedding… I lost out on $200 covering you and your dates [sic] plate.”
It needs to be pointed out to both brides that wedding invitations are not capital investments. You don’t — or certainly shouldn’t — invite guests based on the likelihood that they will bring expensive gifts. But maybe that’s all changing. Stay tuned.
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