The more things change, the more they stay the same. Take Organizing for Action, whose acronym, OFA, used to stand for Obama for America. It still does for all intents and purposes. Even the logo is the same one used by the Obama campaign.
Now that the election is over, however, all the president’s men can no longer legally solicit political donations. Enter his dark-money group, which is bound by no such constraints.
Or manners to speak of. As Weasel Zippers notes, a fund-raising email from OFA has the same peckish tone as some of his campaign appeals, seeming almost to dress the recipient down for not keeping up with his payments. It also makes use of the fake deadline ploy, suggesting that if you don’t pony up by (in this case) Sunday night, something terrible will happen. (Whether it will happen to you or them is unstated.)
Here is the spiel:
From: Jon Carson,
Subject: Is this a mistake?
Date: June 30, 2013 12:39:14 PM EDTI just got a list of everyone who’s pitching in to build Organizing for Action — and it looks like you’re not part of it.
Here’s the record we have for this exact email address:
– Organizing for Action member: No
– Suggested donation today: $5So here I am, on the Sunday morning of the biggest deadline we’ve faced as a young organization, and I’m asking you, earnestly and directly:
Please chip in $5 or more to build OFA today:
We have so many big fights we want to take on, and what we do depends on the resources we have at midnight tonight.
I hope you’ll help.
Jon Carson
Executive Director
Organizing for Action
By the way, it is worth noting that to this day, OFA has still not released its full donor information.