From muh disbelieving ears to yerrrrrz! For those able to stomach her laid-on-thick-as-treacle Savannah drawl, not to mention her fat-laden recipes (bacon-egg-and-donut burgers, anyone?), celebrity cook Paula Deen has over the years given her fans and detractors alike something to think about. Like the time one of her sons sneaked up behind her in her kitchen while the cameras were rolling, prompting a startled Deen to utter — then suppress — an f-bomb.
Or the time she confessed to y’all that she had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Or when she allegedly made this offhand comment in 2007 about the outfits servers would wear at a catered event:
Well what I would really like is a bunch of little n***ers to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around. Now, that would be a true Southern wedding wouldn’t it? But we can’t do that because the media would be on me about that.
Indeed the media has been on Deen but not about the outfits — or at least not the outfits alone. They’re also picked up on the redacted word in the above quote, which spawned a lawsuit that is currently being litigated. Last week it was revealed via the transcript of a court deposition that Paula Deen did in fact use the racial slur named.
On Friday, Food Network announced it would not renew Deen’s contract for her show. On Monday the portly southern belle was jettisoned a second time, as a spokesperson for Smithfield Ham.
Just when things looked as though they were at their bleakest, Deen found support for an unlikely voice. Daily Caller reports that TV news analyst Al Sharpton spoke with TMZ on Monday, where he acknowledged that “a lot of us have in the past said things we have regretted saying years ago.”
He was also asked a follow-up about racial stereotypes involving fried chicken to which he responded that he doesn’t eat chicken.
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