It is more likely that Vice President Joe Biden will resign and that President Obama would nominate Eric Holder to replace him than that the latter will resign as Attorney General and return to private practice to resume pro bono work for captured and/or arrested terrorists.
The White House announced today that Designated Benghazi Liar Susan Rice will replace Tom Donilon as President Barack Obama’s National Security Adviser. Sarah Hall Ingram is heading up implementation of the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare
for the IRS, despite the fact that she has come under scrutiny recently because she oversaw the division of the IRS which targeted conservative organizations seeking nonprofit status.
Despite the fact? No, because they both carried out their desired duties designed brilliantly to ensure Obama’s re-election, both have been promoted. Don’t like our Chief Executive’s obvious contempt for the rule of law and the truth itself? Should have thought of that on Election Day 2013.
Think this contempt for the average voter’s intelligence is new? Remember the Dream Act’s defeat in Congress, only to be implemented via executive fiat? Remember the federal judge that found the Obama Administration in contempt of court for implementing deep water oil drilling moratoriums that sent scores of rigs and jobs away from Deep South red states and to Brazil? Remember President Clinton and Newt Gingrich’s signature bi-partisan success of welfare-to-work-reform that Obama de-formed by a decree from on high?
Finally, remember Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s lauding of Syria’s Assad as a “reformer” soon after her appointment and subsequent restoration of diplomatic relations with the terror state regime before their recent use of chemical weapons and massacres of over 70,000?
These liberal Democrats define failure and success differently from most of the rest of We the People, eh? One of those such Democrats in Congress yesterday defended the up to 27-month delays in responding to, much less granting, tea partier patriot conservative applications for tax exempt status and on Fox News, Juan Williams says the only problem with the IRS was that they didn’t treat liberal Democrat groups the same as conservative groups?
Oh, so everyone applying for 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status should have to reveal the content of their prayers and agree not to picket Planned Parenthood abortion mills? Mr. Williams thinks that an Alabama group invited strict scrutiny of their application because they were overtly seeking to prevent President Obama’s re-election. But the law allows overt political activity so long as one spends less that half their money on such activity. And btw, how can the IRS determine how groups will spend half their money before they have spent it?
America in 2013 feels like Britain circa 1066, with a foreign despot ruling our shores; except that the Normans were more benevolent.
Meanwhile, the nation’s Chief Law Enforcement officer exhibits no shame in re-fining the word “prosecute” more precisely than Bill Clinton parsed the words “is” and “sex”, as job-hungry Main Street takes on debt to fund the Bernanke and Obama deficit-fueled welfare for Wall Street.
Were circumstances for non-slaves in the Thirteen Colonies any worse in 1775 under King George that they are in the Lower Forty-Eight in 2013 for the subjects of Barack Obama? No, but will enough Americans cast enough votes in 2014 and 2016 to fire the Democrat shooters of Liberty so that shots of a different kind need not again be heard round the world. We pray so, but at least our Commander in Chief will be getting the best advice possible as he carries out his constitutional duties to defend our nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and faithfully execute the laws…not.
Mike DeVine
“One man with courage makes a majority.” – Andrew Jackson