The First Congressional District of this gamecock’s native state will deserve the “Daily (labor union-funded-anti-Boeing-jobs) Show” that Stephen Colbert’s sister would co-host with fellow Democrats in Congress if too many South Carolina Low Country conservatives cry over Argentina on Tuesday instead of voting to return Mark Sanford to the House seat he held from 1995-2001.
I was never a fan of the flaky former anti-pork crusader when he last represented Charleston and environs. Nor was I enthusiastic when he was Governor of the Palmetto State from 2003-2011, literally soiling the State House floor with piglet feces. And while Sanford, like most any Republican, is vastly superior to Elizabeth Colbert Busch, and most any Democrat, what should worry conservatives is that such a historically conservative district, which twice sent Tim Scott to Washington before he was appointed to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Jim DeMint, couldn’t produce a tea partier conservative Republican challenger capable of defeating the disgraced professional politician in the GOP primary.
Not sure if Colbert Busch is married, much less whether she has ever committed adultery in South America or been alleged to have violated court orders in North America. But for the purpose of electing a glorified yea/nay voter on relatively easy issue choices, I don’t much care. Much like while I would prefer that my barber engage in interesting patter while manipulating sharp objects above my neck, what matters is the quality of the haircut.
What matters about members of Congress is how they vote on proposed bills that affect my life, Liberty and happiness pursuits. While not defending himself against his ex-wife in family court or beating paths to bungalows in Buenos Aires, Sanford can be counted on to support the pro-growth economic policies he always has and which are desperately needed now by Charleston, South Carolina and 49 other states.
Which brings us to drawl and that’s all, the myth of the conservative Southern Democrat, the “D” after Colbert Busch’s name on the ballot and Boeing. Again, not sure if the Democrat nominee has a drawl, and given the dispositive wealth of information communicated by her choice to run as a Democrat, I admit I haven’t felt the need to closely follow the campaign; but if I were a betting man I would wager that she has pretended to be a conservative of sorts while trying to hide her past record of liberal activism anathema to the views of a majority of South Carolinians.
Today’s Democratic Party is bought and paid for by the Gosnell-defending Planned Parenthood abortion, anti-business environmentalist, race-baiting, thuggish labor union lobby; and candidates that choose to run with the “D” next to their name do so, not because they are yellow dogs like their grandfathers, but rather because they are true-believing liberals like their failed hero in the White House whose illegally-packed-with-improper-recess-appointments National Labor Relations Board delayed the creation of 3800 well-paying North Charleston Boeing plant jobs for more than two years.
If elected, Busch (tired of typing her un-hyphenated “last” names) would cast her first vote in the House to re-install the Obamacare-passing Nancy Pelosi as Speaker and could be counted on to tow the liberal Democratic Party line like Sixth District Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) does. Want higher taxes? Vote for Busch. Want to finish off the coal industry? Busch is your gal. Like higher energy prices? Elizabeth’s party delivers. Want to make sure full-time job killing Obamcare remains the law of the land? Vote “D”!
Charleston rebuilt after Union Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman’s 1865 post-March to the Sea visit and the mid-1990s closing of its Naval Base and Shipyard; but for S.C.’s Holy City and most other cities across the Fruited Plain to rebuild after Obama’s leveling of the non-J.P. Morgan, American economy, Republican votes to reverse laws enacted by Democrat majorities will be required. Whether they are flaky, adulterous, lying trespassers or not.
Our Stone Mountain-of-Georgia-roost-view of the South Carolina race is hazy and our alter ego Cockstradamus retired from political prognostications after We the People re-hired a failed Obama last November. But if our beloved home state, and especially the First Congressional District, even faintly resembles the state we left for Hotlanta in the Summer of 2001, we would be shocked if Charleston sent a “D” to D.C. on Tuesday.
“One man with courage makes a majority.” – Andrew Jackson