Never mind whether a tree falls in the forest. Consider another philosophical conundrum much closer to the human heart that is reflected in the photograph shown after the break (h/t Breitbart via Patheos). The image is of courtroom seating set aside for the press at the trial of Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortionist who has been accused of killing seven babies that were inconveniently born alive.
If you wondering where everyone is, you’re not alone — unless you keep up on current events by tuning into the evening network news on broadcast television, in which case you haven’t heard Word One about the story.
J.D. Mullane of the Bucks County Courier Times is one of a handful of reporters covering the trial of the Philly-based doctor charged with severing the spinal cords of newborns who survived their abortions. Mullane tweeted on Wednesday:
Sat through a full day of testimony at the Kermitt Gosnell trial today. It is beyond the most morbid Hollywood horror. It will change you.
Which may or may not be true for everyone, even the only way to test the proposition is to report the story, and the MSM have been assiduous in its avoidance of covering the trial.
So could the hideousness of the crime be the reason that networks other than FOX News have decided to ignore the story? That might be a fair assumption if the elite media and their followers were not obsessed with murder trials in general and sensational murder trials in particular.
That leaves only the possibility that the bad rep abortion could get as a result of this case is discomfiting to them. In which case, they should turn in their press cards.
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