Va-va-voom! The president had what some are calling a lapse in judgment Wednesday night when he expressed his admiration for what might be called “a handsome woman.” Newsmax reports that Obama was at a fundraiser in San Francisco, when he said:
You have to be careful to, first of all, say she is brilliant and she is dedicated and she is tough, and she is exactly what you’d want in anybody who is administering the law, and making sure that everybody is getting a fair shake. She also happens to be, by far, the best-looking attorney general in the country. [Emphasis added]
The object of the president’s encomium was California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris. His comments were all meant as positives, but some combatants on the distaff side in the war on women took offense at the remark about the AG’s looks. Jonathan Chait of New York magazine tweeted, “Obama’s comment about Kamala Harris is disgraceful and really terrible for workplace equality.”
It’s good to see that liberals are equal-opportunity fanatics in their misguided campaign to level the playing field between the sexes by making it a crime to say a person is good-looking.
In any case not everyone, Newsmax notes, saw the comment as sexist. Robin Abcarian wrote in The Los Angeles Times, that “stating the obvious” makes “more wolfish than sexist.”
Harris herself avoided wading into the fray, which was probably wise, but the question remains: Was the president “stating the obvious,” as Abcarian seems to take for granted? Is Harris “by far, the best-looking attorney general in the country”? This commentator would argue that Pam Bondi of Florida at the very least gives Harris a run for her money.
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