What started off as a thinly veiled plan by Barack Obama to redistribute wealth in America has become a rallying cry among Democratic lawmakers in Washington. Despite having won a battle with Republicans in January that ended Bush-era tax cuts for those making $400,000 Donks are now demanding even more “tax fairness.”
But one of the shrillest voices on the Democratic side of the aisle is also one of the most hypocritical. It belongs to Louisiana Mary Landrieu, who — it turns out — has tax problems of her own. The Daily Caller reports that Landrieu have not yet paid $1,206.95 in tax penalties to the District of Columbia government on their Capitol Hill home:
According to public records available online in the District of Columbia’s ‘Real Property Assessment Database,’ the D.C. government has penalized Landrieu $1,003.33, plus $202.62 in interest, for 2012 taxes on her mansion on East Capitol Street. It is unclear what the penalty is for.
The online records indicate that the penalty was still outstanding as of Feb. 2. A spokeswoman for Landrieu did not immediately respond to an email from The DC on Sunday asking for more information….
The house is worth about $2.3 million dollars, according to online assessments.
To add irony to hypocrisy, Landrieu — even as she owes tax penalties to D.C. — sits on the Senate committee that has oversight responsibilities for the district.
As recently as last week, the senator was demanding that the rich pay their fair share, adding “that the revenues coming in to the government are the lowest level since President Eisenhower was the president.”
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