Welcome to the not-so-friendly skies.
Al Arabiya News reports that on Wednesday, Ahmed Fahmy, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) and parliament’s upper house speaker, “caused a stir during a flight from Sudan to Egypt when he called on the plane’s staff to stop screening a movie featuring ‘hot scenes’.”
Unfortunately for Fahmy, his political sway does not extend six miles up, and his demands were rejected — and not just by the flight crew but by his fellow passengers, who insisted on watching the film.
Fahmy did incite enough of a spectacle that the captain was forced to intervene. Ultimately, the television screens in front of Fahmy and other members of Egypt’s Shura Council who were on the flight were lifted.
The article doesn’t name the film that was showing, but it does contain a comment by a reader who identified himself as “Aladdin, Egypt,” who writes, “BH should amputates the hands or heads of those managers who allowed such explicit movies.”
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