During a Senate hearing on President Obama’s use of executive orders to curb the constitutional authority granted by the Second Amendment, outgoing Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) said she didn’t want to get bogged down with “constitutional arguments.”
Except the entire point of executive action to limit the right to bear arms has everything to do with the Constitution.
Via the Daily Caller:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
“I look forward to … listening to the attorney general and listening to this wonderful panel that you’ve invited to participate today,” Mikulski, a Democrat and ardent supporter of gun control, said in her opening remarks ahead of a Senate Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Subcommittee hearing, which heard testimony from Attorney General .
“So let’s solve the problem,” Mikulski urged. “Let’s not get involved in constitutional arguments, and let’s help our American people be safe and secure in their home, their neighborhood, their school and their house of worship.”
Reactions on Twitter were predictably glib:
Sure! What's the constitution have to do with it? – Lib Senator Wants To Avoid Constitutional Arguments On Os Gun https://t.co/SzGGH8fLJD
— Cheryl Bowman (@astroterf) January 21, 2016
Then her state won't need to use the constitution when they decide to fire her lol https://t.co/eOeEAGZBwP
— Melanie🇺🇲 (@mefbama) January 20, 2016
Senator Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) would have no part of Mikulski’s constitutionless debate.
“The department is on notice,” he said. “This subcommittee will have no part in undermining the Constitution and the rights that it protects.”
Cross-posted at the Mental Recession