Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe to share his secret for controlling CO2 emissions at Paris climate summit

Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe to share his secret for controlling CO2 emissions at Paris climate summit

Did someone say good times? Nehanda Radio notes that Zimbabwe “President” Robert Mugabe arrived in Paris Friday to take part in the 21st climate change summit that begins today.

“The past three decades have so far been the hottest on record and Zimbabwe and other sub-Saharan African countries already experiencing scorching heat this year as the effects of climate change continue to be felt,” emphasized author Blessing Zulu.

Jim Geraghty of National Review Online quips that “Mugabe is probably one of the world’s foremost experts on how to stop human beings from emitting carbon; nothing stops people from generating carbon dioxide quite like massacres.”

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The link takes you to an article at The Guardian that begins:

From January 1983, a campaign of terror was waged against the Ndebele people in Matabeleland in western Zimbabwe. The so-called Gukurahundi massacres remain the darkest period in the country’s post-independence history, when more than 20,000 civilians were killed by Robert Mugabe’s feared Fifth Brigade.

No one has accepted the blame for the violence, but the recent release of historical documents has shed new light on those responsible.

The wide-ranging reports include diplomatic correspondence, intelligence assessments and raw intelligence garnered by spies recruited from within the Zimbabwean government.

Joking aside, once again Barack Obama proves that he has no problem rubbing elbows with dictators and despots who commit atrocities against their peoples.

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles is a freelance writer and regular contributor to "Liberty Unyielding."


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