Left-wing protesters steal pizzas from campus event at MIT

Left-wing protesters steal pizzas from campus event at MIT

Anti-Israel protesters stole nine pizzas from a recent campus event at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The protesters disrupted a September 18 lecture by Shahar Kvatisnky, an engineering professor from Israel. They then stole the pizzas as they left the event.

The MIT Jewish Alumni Committee says the protesters were “screaming obscenities at both Prof. Kvinsky and the attendees.” It is circulating wanted posters for the three students involved, and is planning to offer a reward for people who identify them. It says, “We are also exploring buying an ad in MIT’s student newspaper, The Tech, which will feature the reward in addition to the Wanted poster.”

The Jewish alumni also sent a letter to John DiFava, the head of MIT’s campus police department, demanding action against the perpetrators. “In our opinion, such anti-Semitic behavior is grounds for immediate suspension,” the letter said.

The Jewish alumni said they “will not provide a dollar of support to MIT, and will actively discourage ALL alumni, and not just Jewish alumni, from donating.”

Professor Kvatinsky, who spoke at the event, said that the “audience was a mix of pro-Israel and pro-Hamas students and faculty members,” and “the pro-Hamas students had their faces covered with masks….I discussed the cynical exploitation of civilians by Hamas, describing how they use hospitals, schools, mosques, and universities to hide weapons, dig tunnels, and wage war.”

Kvatinsky added that he “explained the IDF’s stringent rules of engagement, which are more restrictive than international law and rigorously enforced, requiring all soldiers to adhere to them carefully.” “The pro-Hamas students asked questions like, ‘How do you feel as a murderer?’ and ‘What is your response to claims that IDF soldiers have raped Palestinian women?’’

Kvatinsky said that then, “some pro-Hamas attendees shifted from questioning to delivering speeches” and disrupting the event.

He then described how the protesters stole many of the pizzas ordered for attendees of the event. For example, a student “left the room after her statement, but not before grabbing a few pizza trays on her way out…This pattern repeated itself with several other students who gave rehearsed speeches before leaving, all taking pizza as they exited.”

In other news, MIT may be sued for its sex-conscious admissions policy, which seems to violate federal law.

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