By Mary Rooke
It’s hard not to celebrate the news that Gen Z is rejecting casual sex at rates higher than previous generations. The way our society talks about sex like it’s a simple act with no lasting implications is a disservice to young people. Still, the trend should be alarming, even to conservatives.
It isn’t social pressure causing the decline in random sexual partners; conservatives could celebrate a major victory in reversing our national moral decline if it were, but it’s not. These kids have a dysfunctional relationship with sex that, if left unchecked, leads to journal articles arguing to make zoophilia morally acceptable.
In 10 years, the number of 18 to 30-year-olds reporting having no sexual partners in the last year jumped by 16%, according to a survey from UCLA which found that younger generations have fewer sexual partners than older adults despite our hypersexualized society.
No sex please! We’re Americans!
Only 30% of US teens say they’ve had sex, down from 38% in 2019 & over 50% in decades prior. Largest ever drop
Less sex & romance, more friendship – that’s the verdict of gen Z (10-24 years) on their preferences for media https://t.co/UNJy3APagT
— Peter Tatchell (@PeterTatchell) October 29, 2023
Vivian Rhodes, a 28-year-old certified nursing assistant in California, spoke to the LA Times about the way she and a lot of other Gen Zs view sex. “Some people assume this is about shaming other people, and it’s not,” said Rhodes. “I’m glad people have fun with it, and it works for them. But I think sex is kind of gross. It seems very messy, and it’s vulnerable in a way that I think would be very uncomfortable.”
A ‘failure to launch’: Why young people are having less sex https://t.co/PI8iVjXuxs
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) August 3, 2023
She also told the outlet that flirting “felt unnatural” and the idea of sex was unappealing. It’s a danger to our society if its young people do not want to partake in the only act which will ensure the survival of humanity. But it’s really not enough for them to merely want to have sexual relationships. Understanding the complexity of how sex binds men and women together is essential to repairing the damage. (ROOKE: The Culprit For Civilizational Decline Isn’t Even In This Viral Video Of The Stolen Halloween Candy)
An anonymous article written under the pseudonym “Fira Benst” was published in the Journal of Controversial Ideas, arguing to make zoophilia “morally permissible.” The author apparently wants to pave the way for humans to commit bestiality without stigma by claiming it’s a sexual orientation like “heterosexuality or bisexuality” and should be “distinguished from mere fetishes.”
“I would like to argue that zoophilia is permissible, i.e., that it is not wrong to engage in zoophilia. To do this,” the author writes, “I will take for granted a broadly antispeciesist or non-anthropocentric perspective that rejects human exceptionalism.”
Another thought-provoking article is “Zoophilia Is Morally Permissible” by Fira Bensto (pseudonym), which is just out in the current issue of @JConIdeas.
This piece challenges one of society’s strongest taboos and argues for the moral permissibility of some forms of sexual… pic.twitter.com/32fIaJEJ1J
— Peter Singer (@PeterSinger) November 9, 2023
“This allows us to circumvent a number of objections against zoophilia which usually focus on the ‘human side’ of the relationship and take zoophilia to be a vice, a sexual perversion or to go against Christian morality or human essence,” the author continued.
The author’s obvious lack of morality also exposes his anti-human biases that are prevalent in modern society. Our society hates itself so much that the idea of having healthy sexual relationships through marriage seems more foreign than the asexual GenZ hellscape where everyone is sexually assaulting their pets. (ROOKE: Leftist Moral Rot, Not Conservative Bullying, Killed The Alabama Drag Queen Preacher)
The elephant in the room — apparently not off-limits to “Fira Benst” — here is the breakdown of society’s interpretation of the sacrament of marriage and, thus, our relationship with sex outside of marriage. Oversexed Boomers, Gen X and Millenials will cry out against the idea that sex outside of marriage is anything but liberating. Countless issues society faces are directly connected to its disrespectful approach to one of life’s great blessings, yet we sit back, pretending they aren’t directly related.