Trump fires Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman who supported racial quotas

Trump fires Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman who supported racial quotas
Charles Q. Brown Jr. Members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff pose for a photo in the Pentagon, November 14, 2024. (DoD photo by Benjamin Applebaum)

On Friday, President Trump fired Air Force Gen. CQ Brown Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In 2022, Brown issued a memorandum calling for the Air Force to impose racial quotas for its officer corps. As the Jewish Press reported in 2023,

choosing officers by any racial category rather than merit is racist, wrong and illegal…[But] Brown’s quotas limit the number of white officers to 67% and cut white men down to 43%.

The Air Force officer corps is currently 77% white: getting it down to 67%, a reduction of 10%, would require serious effort to purge white officers and bar the doors to any new ones.

Reducing the number of white men in the officer corps to a minority, 43%, would cripple the service and wipe out generations of talent: especially when 86% of pilots are white men.

What do you do with those 86% of white male pilots?

Gen. Brown and his radical allies who are destroying the Air Force and endangering national security claim that their racist and illegal policy is necessary because “diversity and inclusion” are the “key to the success of any organization”. And that requires 7% multiracial officers.

But if that’s the case then why have Air Force readiness rates continued to drop even as the service became more diverse? Brown’s focus on “diversity and inclusion” has been a disaster.

The Air Force has not hit its aircraft readiness rates and the mission critical rates for fighter jets are catastrophic. The F-35A rate fell from 76% to 68% from 2020: the year that the Air Force went woke, endorsed Black Lives Matter and forced racial struggle sessions on its officers…

In 2022, the rates fell to an outrageous 54%. That’s barely 1 in 2 available planes. In a major war, rates like these mean we would lose and hundreds of thousands of our people could die.

An Air Force Chief of Staff who presided over such a disaster should have been shown the door, unwelcome to work for even the worst and sleaziest defense contractors. Instead, in a triumph for ideology over national security,

Joe Biden appointed CQ Brown to be the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 2023.

Limiting the percentage of white male employees is generally considered an illegal racial and sexual quota, even if the percentage reflects white men’s percentage of the U.S. population, or reflects the racial and sexual demographics of a region or the country as a whole. (See, e.g., Police Association v. City of New Orleans (1996)).

If white men are more likely to have skills essential to do the job, then it isn’t considered discrimination for them to be overrepresented compared to their percentage of the general population. (See, e.g., Janowiak v. South Bend (1984)).

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