Ben Franklin statue at University of Pennsylvania defaced by pro-Hamas activists

Ben Franklin statue at University of Pennsylvania defaced by pro-Hamas activists
University of Pennsylvania (Image: Kevin83002/Wikimedia Commons)

“Pro-Hamas activists at the University of Pennsylvania tossed red paint onto a statue of Benjamin Franklin early Thursday, claiming the Founding Father’s monument ‘stands proudly as a symbol of imperial violence and colonialism'”, reports The College Fix.

“In an Instagram post by Penn Students Against the Occupation of Palestine, activists posted photos and video of the vandalized statue and told the university its ‘hands are red’ as it’s ‘complicit in the Palestinian genocide.'”

The post falsely accused Israel of killing 186,000 people in Gaza, which is at odds with estimates both in Gaza and Israel. The Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry estimates that around 40,000 have died in Gaza. Many of the 40,000 are Hamas fighters.

A Pro-Palestinian student group at Columbia University describes itself as “fighting for the total eradication of western civilization.”

Earlier this year, a student at Columbia University captured more than 750 antisemitic online posts written by Columbia students and organizations.” “Students reported being told ‘Kill your fucking self. And I’ll fucking kill you.’” One Jewish “student reported that when she went to health services in July, no one came in to see her, and she overheard a discussion between two healthcare professionals in another room in which one said they would not treat her because she was Israeli.”

On August 26, anti-Israel protesters vandalized Cornell University, breaking windows in several buildings, and writing graffiti such as “Blood is on your hands” and “Israel bombs, Cornell pays,” in many places. The New York Post reported that “Immediately after the Hamas massacre[in southern Israel], the campus exploded with support for terrorism under the banner of ‘decolonization.’ A student threatened to shoot and slit the throats of Jewish students; he’s now awaiting sentencing. A professor declared that he felt ‘exhilarated’ upon hearing of the Hamas attack.”

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