Cornell medical student disrupts commencement, accuses university officials of ‘genocide’

Cornell medical student disrupts commencement, accuses university officials of ‘genocide’
Cornell takes a knee. (Image: Courtesy William Jacobson, Legal Insurrection)

“At the Weill Cornell Medicine commencement, a graduating student disrupted the ceremony and blamed the university for allegedly inciting ‘genocide,'” reports Campus Reform. In a post uploaded to X on May 24, the graduate is seen walking up onto the stage while holding a Palestinian flag and wearing a keffiyeh:

“My family is not here today, because they are in a genocide that you incited and and refuse to acknowledge. Shame on you,” he said to the university officials waiting on stage, to loud cheers from the audience.

The student then proceeded to walk off the stage and called out: “Free, free Palestine.”

The incident is not the only time at Cornell University in which an anti-Israel student disrupted a graduation ceremony.

Cornell’s Students for Justice in Palestine chapter shared a May 26 Instagram video showing anti-Israel students disrupting a graduation ceremony, wearing keffiyehs, holding anti-Israel banners, and walking out of the ceremony.

At Stanford, protesters spray-painted “Fuck Amerikkka” on a memorial for slain veterans.

Left-wing protesters forced California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, to shut down for the semester, reported the Chico Enterprise-Record:

Cal Poly Humboldt officials are closing the campus for the remainder of the semester with classwork continuing remotely, as pro-Palestinian student activists refuse to end their occupation of two academic buildings….The far Northern California campus had already been shut down since Monday, when dozens of students set up an encampment inside Siemens Hall, an academic and administrative building, at the Arcata school in an act of “solidarity with those … in Gaza,” organizers said. They demanded that the university divest from Israeli companies.

According to one report, the buildings were “completely trashed with graffiti plastered all over the walls,” and protestors had “attempted several times to break into multiple locked buildings with the intention of either locking themselves in, vandalizing, or stealing equipment. Vandalism and theft … continued across campus.”

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