“California is set to become the first U.S. state to guarantee that illegal immigrants and non-citizens can receive ‘free’ healthcare insurance provided by the state at taxpayer expense,” notes Trending Politics. Previously, the state provided health insurance to many illegal aliens below age 26 or above age 50, but new legislation will extend the benefit to illegal aliens of all ages:
The move will provide coverage for an additional 764,000 people at a projected cost of around $2.7 billion a year. The health insurance provision was included in the $307.9 billion operating budget that Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law. The measure to ‘cover’ low-income illegal immigrants is part of the 2022-23 state budget allocation, which includes expanding the state’s Medi-Cal program.
“Medi-Cal already offers coverage to undocumented immigrants if they are younger than 26, over the age of 50 or a recipient of the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program,” the Hill’s activist publication Changing America reported….
Democratic State Sen. María Elena Durazo praised the Medi-Cal expansion as a budget victory and said in a statement the state is “one step closer to ending [an] outdated … policy that prevents [many] undocumented Californians from accessing affordable health care.”
The Kaiser Family Foundation estimated that 22.1 million people [were] in the nation illegally as of 2020.
California’s budget has ballooned a ‘hundred-fold’ and is entirely unsustainable, as a recent editorial in the Daily Breeze illuminates….One veteran political reporter, who has followed state budgets since the 1960s, remembers when the budget was $3 billion. It has grown since then by 100-fold to a staggering $300 billion.