During his speech at a Mack Truck plant in eastern Pennsylvania, yesterday (where he also announced that he “used to driver an 18-wheeler!), Joe Biden claimed that he had run for president for three reasons. He proceeded to rattle off two of the reasons.
And then he moved on to the next topic. His third reason for running? Either his speechwriters had cut that portion of the speech without revising the introduction, or Biden had another of his “teleprompter moments.” (RELATED: Joe Biden does battle with a teleprompter. Spoiler alert: The teleprompter wins)
A video of the curious segment appears below, along with a transcript.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
I said I was running, when I announced my campaign, and not many people took it seriously, I said I was running for three reasons: One, to restore the soul of this country, a sense of decency and honor. But secondly, to rebuild the backbone of the country, hardworking middle-class folks who built this country. And I want to point out, unions built the middle class!
That’s not a joke. Unions built the middle class. And by the way, in case you regret anything, I just want you guys and women in union know that if it weren’t for the UAW 1972, I never would have won. You think I’m kidding. We had the largest percentage of union workers than any state in the nation in Delaware back then, including Michigan. Because we’re a small state, we had big plans. But so — so before you get upset, remember, you’re — you’re — you’re — you’re to blame.