LU has conferred the “world’s dumbest crook” title numerous times. One honoree was a man who used a stolen credit card to secure a friend’s bail, though the man who stole $88,000 from the bank where he worked, then posted a selfie with the money on social media runs a close second. And who could forget the robber with his social security number tattooed on his forehead?
Now a new contender has emerged. Her name is Lorraine Graves, and she was wanted until a few days ago by Tulsa Police in connection with the March slaying of Eric Graves. You’d think Graves would have done everything in her power to keep a low profile while on the lam.
But you’d be wrong. When the TPD posts a “most wanted” advisory on Facebook naming her as prime suspect, Graves responded to the ad, writing, “What’s where’s [sic] the reward money at.”
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The post enabled police to locate and arrest her, which they did on July 16.
Several commentators saw the folly of a suspect coming out of the shadows to ask about the reward for her own capture. One wrote, “Giiiiirl you better stay off social media they can track you!!” Another warned “Aint [sic] gonna be as funny when you get processed.”
But the writer was mistaken. Graves evidently did find her booking amusing judging from a photo of her in police custody:
Maybe she’s grinning because she knows someone who can afford to pay her $500,000 bond. Let’s hope for her sake her friend isn’t the guy who used a stolen credit card under similar circumstances.
Cross-posted at The Lid