Dem rep: Biden making migrant camps look empty via ‘shell game’

Dem rep: Biden making migrant camps look empty via ‘shell game’
Rep. Henry Cuellar (Image: Full Measure video screen grab)

The Democrats’ internal enemies list is growing. The top name on the list remains that of Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who has opposed court packing and ending the filibuster — both essential for the Democrats to realize their dream of permanent control of the U.S. government.

But Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar is making a run for the title. In March, he released the first photos of conditions inside one of the Biden administration’s migrant holding facilities, revealing them conditions to be no less “inhumane” (to borrow the Dems’ terminology) than the ones the Trump administration had overseen. (RELATED: Biden official asked GOP senators visiting border to delete photos they took)

Now Cuellar is blowing his whistle again. The Daily Mail reports:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar is accusing the Biden administration of moving unaccompanied minors from one border facility to another to create the impression it is emptying crowded holding areas.

Cuellar, a member of the powerful House Appropriations Committee, accused the Department of Health and Human Services of using the tactic to secure better images of its crowded Donna, Texas facility.

‘All they’re doing is, they’re moving kids from one tent to the other tent and saying: “Oh, they’re not in the Border Patrol (custody). But they’re right next door,”‘ Cuellar said.

Meanwhile, the HHS Office of Refugee Resettlement reported this week that there are currently 22,195 unaccompanied children in its custody – a new record.

The situation just across the border meantime has grown immeasurably worse, according to the Daily Caller. Reporters with the publication visited a makeshift migrant camp near the U.S.-Mexico border in Tijuana. They discovered over “2,000 migrants, the majority from Central America, … living on the streets … in camping tents donated by local charity groups. Small business owners surrounding the migrant camp complain that customers no longer come near the area due to the migrant camp.”

The makeshift camp has been near the border for three months and continues to grow in size everyday as more Central American migrants make their way to Tijuana in hopes of seeking asylum in the U.S. (RELATED: During Trump years Dems visit tent cities that are home to asylum seekers: ‘We are better than this’)

“I want to send a message to President Biden to help me and my kids cross the border,” a Mexican woman living in the migrant camp told the Daily Caller.

One assumes the tone of the request sounds less hopeful and more frantic than the one embodied by these t-shirts, presumably distributed to the masses by the administration:

Image: via Twitter

Despite these and other hitches in Biden’s plan to offer asylum to millions of new potentially Democratic voters from south of the border, the administration still has no plans to formally visit the border.

The Daily Mail article notes that Press Secretary Jen Psaki appeared on a podcast hosted by former Obama confidante David Axelrod where she said the reason Biden isn’t planning to go is that Americans aren’t interested in the border.

What percentage of the public is focused on the border? A much smaller percentage than who’s focused on the pandemic and the economy. So that may be maddening, but, you know, that’s what we try to do.

LU Staff

LU Staff

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