No, the fast food giants are not merging. They’re just having their way — at least in Finland, which is preparing to launch its belated Helsinki Pride Week, delayed this year by the coronavirus pandemic.
The image, which as Breitbart notes was on the landing page of the fast food chain’s Finnish website, has since vanished, though it’s still making the rounds on the internet. (In the original, the illustration was accompanied by the caption “Love Conquers All” in English.
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An article at Media Daily News whimsically titled “Queen For A Day: Why Burger King Proudly Planted One On Ronald McDonald” quotes Burger King Finland’s Brand Manager Kaisa Kasila as saying:
Burger King has always stood for equality, love and everyone’s right to be just the way they are. The only instance where it might not seem so, is when we’re bantering with our competitor. But we want to be clear – it all stems from the respect we have for them. And we know McDonald’s stands for the values we stand for, too.
And here I thought the chain’s sole objective was to fatten up Americans and charge them through the nose for the privilege.
Live and learn.