Bloomberg self-trolls and it’s epic

Bloomberg self-trolls and it’s epic
CBS video

When we first saw the new Bloomberg billboards scrolling through social media on Friday,it seemed as if someone out there was meme-ing Bloomberg.

I.e., take the most anti-hip candidate in history, choose a target for him (in this case, Trump), and produce samples of the utterly oblivious billboards the candidate would come up with.  Send them out for a spin around Instagram and Twitter for a good laugh. Yuk yuk. TGIF!

Then we discovered these are Bloomberg’s anti-Trump billboards.  His campaign apparently had them waiting for Trump in Phoenix this week.  (The displays are digital; it looks like this is one sign board with three messages cycling through on it.)

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It seems they’re so proud of the billboards, they couldn’t let time and tide harvest some gratifying notices for them.  Phone-camera Nation was moving too slowly.  So they posted their dunks on The Donald themselves, to get things started.

You couldn’t achieve this level of self-trolling by any natural means.  It does make one reflect uneasily on the likely result if Bloomberg decided to troll Putin or Xi. (RELATED: Bloomberg’s latest weapon against Trump? A dancing gingerbread man)

Here’s one final one Team Bloomberg neglected to post. It comes courtesy of courtesy of LU Staff. No charge.

Image: LU Staff
LU Staff

LU Staff

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