Liberal rag Slate slams MSM for not sliming George H. W. Bush in their obits

Liberal rag Slate slams MSM for not sliming George H. W. Bush in their obits
Former President George H.W. Bush has a quiet moment at his wife Barbara's side, as she lies in state in St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Houston, TX. (Image: Screen grab of CSPAN video via Daily Caller)

You knew there had to some liberal cretin laying in wait, looking for just the right opportunity to desecrate the memory of our most recently fallen president, George H. W. Bush, who died last Friday at the age of 94. That identity of that cretin became known on Saturday. Her name is Molly Olmstead, and she is assistant social media editor for that oh-so-classy publication Slate.

Should you be lucky enough never to have heard of Slate, the site has opined that exposing pedophilia is politically motivated character assassination and that police should be stop selfishly thinking about their own hides during an encounter with a gunman.

So what is Olmstead’s beef with with the obituaries for the fallen president written by the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Associated Press, and Slate itself? They all omitted “allegations of inappropriate touching that arose in the final two years of his life.”

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In October 2017, the actress Heather Lind wrote in Instagram that Bush “touched her from behind” and “told a dirty joke” while the two were standing together for a photo-op. The next day, actress Jordana Grolnick detailed a similar story in an interview with Deadspin: “We all circled around him and Barbara for a photo, and I was right next to him,” she says. “He reached his right hand around to my behind, and as we smiled for the photo he asked the group, ‘Do you want to know who my favorite magician is?’ As I felt his hand dig into my flesh, he said, ‘David Cop-a-Feel!’”

She goes on to cite other allegations, as well as “excuses” made for the president’s alleged behavior, none of which — to be candid — are all that convincing. A Bush spokesman is quoted as saying, for example, that the president’s confinement to a wheelchair for five years resulted in his arm naturally falling on the lower waist of people with whom he posed for pictures.

But the overarching issue is not whether Bush 41 was a groper but whether this is the time and place to bring up allegations that he was. Olmstead seems to be aware of this herself, writing in the last paragraph:

George H.W. Bush spent decades in political office and guided the country through a difficult time in world affairs. Few would argue that the allegations of inappropriate touching should dominate the remembrances of the late Bush during a time of grieving.

Then she reveals her true colors by adding:

Nevertheless, it seems noteworthy that those remembrances didn’t mention the allegations at all.

Only to someone consumed by hatred and petty grievance, I would submit.

Howard Portnoy

Howard Portnoy

Howard Portnoy has written for The Blaze, HotAir, NewsBusters, Weasel Zippers, Conservative Firing Line, RedCounty, and New York’s Daily News. He has one published novel, Hot Rain, (G. P. Putnam’s Sons), and has been a guest on Radio Vice Online with Jim Vicevich, The Alana Burke Show, Smart Life with Dr. Gina, and The George Espenlaub Show.


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