What began with public schools adding Muslim holidays to their calendars, then progressed to teaching the Five Pillars of Islam, has reached its logical conclusion. One New Jersey school district is now actively proselytizing 12-year-olds by sending them to websites which explain “the ease with which they could convert to become Muslim.”
From NJ.com:
A federal judge on Wednesday refused to dismiss a lawsuit filed by a Chatham mother who says the school district forced her son to watch Islamic conversion videos and ignored the study of Christianity and Judaism.
The mother, Libby Hilsenrath, needs some remediation if she thinks schools in this day and age are going to touch Christianity or Judaism with a stick. After 19 hijackers murdered 3,000 innocent Americans in the name of Islam, the Left, anticipating widespread persecution of American Muslims, accorded all practitioners of Islam “protected group” status. Even though the persecution never happened, Islam has remained an MFR (Most Favored Religion) among liberals, who can’t do enough to curb “Islamophobia.”
Like reverse their equally non-sensical “separation of church and state” policy toward schools to make room for Muslim indoctrination.
In reaction to Hilsenrath’s lawsuit, Judge Kevin McNulty wrote in his 9-page opinion:
As a lawsuit, this matter may present controversial issues. As a motion to dismiss, it does not. There will be opportunity enough to consider the substantive issues when evidence has been developed in discovery and the facts have been developed.
What are the facts? According to Hilsenrath, as part of a world cultures and geography class at Chatham Middle School, her son “was forced to watch two videos and do a worksheet that promote [sic] and advance [sic] the Islamic religion under the threat of lower grades.”
An “Intro to Islam Video” and “The 5 Pillars of Islam” were assigned for students to watch at home, without supervision, and did not include a disclaimer that the content does not represent the views or opinions of the school district, the lawsuit says.
Students also had to do a fill-in-the-blank version of the shahada, the Islamic conversion creed and prayer, which contained a link to a webpage that explains “the ease with which they could convert to become Muslim,” the lawsuit says.
Here for your convenience and viewing pleasure is the “Intro to Islam Video” (aka, “5 minutes [sic] introduction to Islam”). Watch as much as you can. We will be asking questions in a subsequent post.