Democrats still haven’t explained what they will be offering to prospective voters in the 2018 midterms that will earn them enough votes to recapture the House and/or Senate. In March, Congressional Democrats inexplicably unveiled a plan to raise taxes back to a pre-Trump level but promptly dropped the proposal once the public got wind of it.
Later the same month, the party of “no” came out with a gun control package that would expand background checks, ban certain weapons, and give the courts the power to temporarily take guns away from people deemed to be a threat to themselves or others. But their proposal came after Trump had already verbalized support for these same goals, besides which gun control has almost never been a winning prospect for Democrats.
As Election Day edges ever closer, one Democrat has hit upon a platform he is sure will succeed. His name is Rich Madaleno, he is running to unseat Republican incumbent Larry Hogan as governor of Maryland, and his self-described goal is “to piss off Donald Trump.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
How? By opposing the president at every turn. Trump cut funding to Planned Parenthood? Madaleno has come out in support of Planned Parenthood. He has also come out in support of a statewide assault weapons ban and opposes school vouchers.
But his ace in the hole is that he is gay, and to infuriate the president, he has released a campaign ad that ends with him planting a smooch on the lips of his husband. Watch:
It’s a novel approach: There’s no doubt about that. But 30% of Maryland’s population is black, and blacks as a demographic are socially conservative. How many of those voters will warm to a campaign spot that shows their next governor kissing another man?