My interview with Brent Bozell: Meet savvy dragon slayer leading war against liberal media (Video)

My interview with Brent Bozell: Meet savvy dragon slayer leading war against liberal media (Video)

Founder and President of the Media Research Center (MRC), L. Brent Bozell III runs the largest media watchdog organization in America.

Bozell is a lecturer, syndicated columnist, television commentator, debater, marketer, businessman, author, publisher and activist, making him one of the most outspoken and effective national leaders in the conservative movement today.

Since its launch in 1987, the MRC under Bozell’s leadership has developed the largest video archive in the world; the popular blog site; the internet news service; MRC Business; and MRC Culture.

CNS News is especially influential as it is frequently linked to by the conservative news behemoth Drudge Report.

The Media Research Center also uses grassroots strategies to mobilize their over half million members and four million Facebook fans to counter left-wing media bias.

Q.  Media Research Center, the extensive organization you have built since 1987 is on the front lines, fighting never-ending battles in the war against liberal media bias. How is the war going this year? Is the conservative-leaning media making any significant strides?

 A. If you look at the polls, you’d think it’s a terrible year for liberal media spin. It’s just not working. Conservative journalists are routinely impressive, and that’s important. They do the job the establishment news drones won’t do. The war in this cycle is just weird. An enormous scandal like the VA or the IRS erupts, and then there’s about two weeks of deep concern and careful reporting, followed by many months of amnesia and apathy. Lack of curiosity and omission is the pattern now.

Q.  In your opinion, what are the root causes of liberal media bias?

A.  Liberal media bias begins when a journalist decides that the political stakes are too high to be fair, balanced, and accurate. The real root is liberals run the media and they hire fellow liberals and everyone understands that liberalism is expected in their product. But arrogance about just how dangerously wrong conservatives are is what drives bias – like the belief that global warming will kill us all, so no one should let a skeptical scientist speak.

Q.   Are you concerned about the growing trend that has Americans choosing their news sources based on their political leanings? Does this relatively new trend — prompted by the growth of the Internet, social media and cable news — perpetuate the severe political polarization that plagues the nation?

A.  No. People who lament “polarized” media are often whining that ABC/CBS/NBC are not the only game in town. They’re upset that upstarts define “news” differently than their liberal orthodoxy. Of course, conservatives and liberals should go beyond their comfort zone and take in all kinds of information. But severe polarization is happening all over the media landscape. Look at how polarized the consumption of entertainment TV is, and nobody in politics whines about that.

Q.  Recently, in Washington D.C., your Media Research Center held its annual gala featuring the “DisHonor Awards: Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporting.” It was no surprise that all the nominees and winners from the first two Dishonor Awards were news clips from MSNBC.

Here is the winner of the “Damn Those Conservatives to Hell Award”:

At least MSNBC had the sense to fire Bashir as a result of this ugly performance.

The second award was for #ObamaCareFail, and the winner was:

Click here to see more DisHonor Awards.

Brent, why does NBC News continue to tolerate such low journalistic standards from MSNBC, its sister news organization?

A.  NBC News veterans surely treat MSNBC like the crazy uncle in the attic. But when your own president actively lobbies for Jon Stewart to host “Meet the Press,” who says NBC News looks like they’re serious any more?

Q.  If Hillary Clinton wins the Democratic nomination for president in 2016 do you expect the mainstream media to do everything in their power to ensure she becomes the first female president of the United States?  If so, is it possible that since the mainstream media shoved Obama down our collective throats in 2008 and 2012, a similar effort on Clinton’s behalf might actually backfire with voters in 2016 and even help the Republican presidential candidate win the White House?

A.  It’s never wrong to predict the liberal media will try to turn any Democratic nominee’s campaign into the political equivalent of one of those bumper bowling games for kids where gutter balls are impossible. People may forget that the media tried very hard to glorify Hillary Clinton in the last go-round. She just wasn’t the favorite candidate inside Liberal Land. I have no illusions that they’ll try it again. It will be our job once again to remind everyone of Hillary’s decades of favorable media accolades.

Cross-posted at BizPac Review

Myra Kahn Adams

Myra Kahn Adams

Myra Kahn Adams is a media producer and political writer. She was on the 2004 Bush campaign's creative team and the 2008 McCain campaign's ad council. Writing credits include, National Review, Washington Examiner, World Net Daily, Breitbart and many others. Contact Myra at


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