Accepting a job as a spokesperson in the Obama State Department should come with a warning: “This job may cause inappropriate laughter.” I noted in a previous column that Jen Psaki has mastered the dubious talent of smiling her way through Q & As on such grisly topics as beheadings and kidnappings. Now it appears as though her alter ego, Marie Harf, has also stumbled upon the lighter side of war.
The Blaze notes that Harf appeared on Fox News Channel’s “Shepard Smith Reporting” to discuss the growing crisis in Iraq. At one point in her disquisition, Harf offhandedly reports that “special operators are on the ground” who “know how to fight terrorists like ISIL better than anyone,” prompting an incredulous Smith to ask:
Did you just say special operators are on the ground to attack ISIL? Because that’s the biggest fear, that’s exactly what the fear is — that these special operators, these ‘advisers’ are going to turn out to be advisers just like they were in Vietnam.
Harf, who appears out of her depth as usual, flashes a smile, angering Smith, who responds:
Well, you can smile about it all you want. But that’s the fear. You’re the one that said they are ready to fight ISIL, I hope that’s not the case.
Harf’s bio on the State Department website reveals that, like Psaki, she was part of the Obama re-election team, helping to prepare the president for debate and town hall appearances. One hopes for their sake that someone on the team told the world’s funniest joke and that everyone who heard it has been struggling ever since to regain his composure when in public. Otherwise, the pair is pathetic.
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